Guillaume Wafflard, currently in the final year of his Masters in Computer Science, specializing in Big Data and AI, has a keen interest in blockchain and Web 3.0. His Master Thesis, entitled “A Blockchain-based online voting system for Belgium’s elections”, proposes an online voting system adapted for the Belgian elections, based on blockchain to guarantee security, integrity, anonymity and end-to-end verifiability.
As President of the Cercle Informatique de l’ULB, Guillaume actively participates in various projects and supports the student community. This commitment is reflected in his contribution to Cercle initiatives such as the “parrainage facultaire”, the guide of the new student, the sharing of notes and summaries on the website, as well as in his former role as CI Course Delegate. His involvement is also reflected in his position as student-assistant for the programming course, where he gives q&a sessions and help during practical works.
Committed to climate activism, Guillaume has been or is a member of several organizations – inside and outside ULB – working for transition and climate justice.
Currently, as part of Smart Hub Law, he is taking part in a working group on housing.
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