Hugo Andres Lopez Da Coste

13 December 2023

Researcher in Computer Science with experience in Formal Methods, Distributed Systems, and Business Process Management. Hugo Andres Lopez Da Coste mainly specialises in process-oriented technologies, their theoretical formalisation (process calculi), their formal verification, their adoption via software tools (engineering), and their empirical validation. He does this using a cross-disciplinary and a cross-sectorial approach. His research objectives involve the maturing of a new generation of process technologies that can adapt to citizen needs, while still be compliant with regulations and laws. Such technologies should have a digital component, in terms of software tools that support the digitalization of work processes. Finally, technologies should be understandable, even for people that do not have a computer science background.

He works as an Associate Professor in Computer Science at the Technical University of Denmark. Previously he was Assistant Professor at the University of Copenhagen, industrial posdoct at the IT University of Copenhagen and DCR Solutions, the Technical University of Denmark, and at the University of Lisbon. Hugo completed his Ph.D. at the IT University of Copenhagen.

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